Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Verona - Bones About It

Your young or English major children might be surprised at the contrasting tones at Juliet's supposed house:  the sometimes rowdy groping at the Juliet statue in the courtyard, and then the shift inside to find the dancing dead.
Here is the courtyard at Juliet's concocted house, and this courtyard (after the ticket booth) ushers you into the tour through imagined rooms. We understand that this particular house has no connection to anything Shakespearean, except for its look. Fine.  It looks as we might imagine from the outside.  And there is a nice art gallery filling much of it up as you go. Enjoy. There is also an imagined Romeo house, a serenade away, that we did not enter.

Then, inside, bones offering a stark view of a reality, the transience of joy as a general principle? Is that it? Are all the heights heightened by their loss. Do they live on because they die in full flower, as an unsustainable ideal, instead of life taking over. Read about it at ://www.william-shakespeare.info/script-text-romeo-and-juliet.htm/  But soft, draw closer, ah, there ....  See a snippet at ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UfUd03qOxE/

Is that part of life?  What say. Romeo, where art thou.

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