Doctrinal Timeline.
Doctrinal Christianity.
Italy as the hub of Western religious tradition;
Rome and its successors, dogma to support human desires, is that so?
From ruins and museums, to a changing present.
A land steeped in its religion.
Doctrinal Christianity.
Italy as the hub of Western religious tradition;
Rome and its successors, dogma to support human desires, is that so?
From ruins and museums, to a changing present.
A land steeped in its religion.
Explore the evolution of moral certainty. How much was for salvation; and how much for marketing, turf.
Christianizing the Western World. Was it easy, because it was morally right, as Oracle maintains, see; or was it bloody, hardly the peace and love one might expect. See a timeline of Christianity, at
This began as a casual look at religion in Italy's culture, because since the time of Constantine, Rome was central in its buildings and evolution of ideas. The empire kept going.
Timeline, Evolution of Religion of Jesus, the Hebrew
BCE. Old Testament: Abortion is not a culpable killing, Thou shalt not murder refers only to breathing, born people, see Old Testament Reference to Abortion: Not as Murder.
Year 0.............. Birth of Iesu, Yeshua, Jesus, Palestine. Parentage beliefs.
Jesus' birth ascribed to December 25, year 0, overtones of that date with "nativity of the sun, birth of a Tammuz", pagan, see See tens of tens of Baal-related dates and concepts incorporated into Christianity at that site. Any site like this has an ax to grind, but enjoy anyway.
30 AD Crucifixion, See
Year? 30-32..... Healing, Theology, Actions, Words. Crucifixion beliefs, other, re Iesu. We will use Yeshua, Jesus, Iesu, etc. interchangeably.
Years 33-100
Authority rested with the Apostles. Saul-Paul was not a witness-apostle, but claimed a vision and came later, without first-hand knowledte, and claimed to be the heir to the beliefs, is that so. James, the brother of Jesus, was supplanted, killed or died. Which came first: his being supplanted, or his death? Not sure. See
Peter and Paul remain. Paul dislodges Peter Geographic center: Jerusalem
34 AD Paul, a Pharisee who was present at Stephen's stoning and who persecuted followers of Jesus, converts (epileptic episode and vision? nonetheless, presented as divine) See Roots of the faith in an equally credible "fit" falling on one with extreme organizational, zeal capabilities and a Roman citizen to pave the way, or divine vision - Salvation or marketing?
36 AD ff - Paul commences missionary work, letters, organization, setting rules to gain converts [affinity for Mithraism, use of its practices] and forge an identity for them, see, and travels, takeover of religious movement by Paul, who was not a disciple, not there - see
- Paul says women have to cover their heads and be quiet, as the Mithraists do. Jesus said no such thing, les jeux sont faits. See; so why do people do it? Salvation or marketing?
- An account of James is also in noncanonical (left out of the canon) Gospel of Thomas, as Jesus' directive for people to seek James the Righteous. James is represented as having led the people after the Crucifixion, see chronology at
- Exclusion from the canon: James' gospel is later excluded from the canon, at these two sites,!/2008/12/transformative-use-of-translation.html; and!/2008/12/james-christmas-prequel-infancy-gospel.html See Paul's "teachings" then eased into primacy over anyone else's, including Christ's. Salvation or marketing?
66 AD Paul was killed under Nero,
67-68 AD. Peter, a disciple and some say originally "prime" for carrying on the beliefs, dies, by the sword (beheading or other?). See issues at Peter as The Rock. Salvation or marketing?
- Primacy of Peter - a challenged concept, from the highly vocal and often intolerant evangelistic community, see (too many exclamation points, but arguments are documented); to Biblical believer Robert Thiel at, The topic weighing any apostolic succession is too large for debate here, but awareness of issues helps. An overlay of the atheist frame of mind has been with us for millennia, see How Atheists View Religion, at
Years 100-199.. ....
The many students of Apostles and their schools of thought continue writing, recording accounts of Gospels, and other writings. Geographic center: Decentralized Leaders (many) later were declared heretic by Rome: see, See Valentinius .St. Valentine? See Not known then for love hearts. Montanus. Who was that? See issues of real or pretended inspiration, and more, still with us, at So what did they believe that angered Rome? Differing beliefs, not accepting without question the Orders of the day?
The word for heresy originally was neutral, meaning only those who held other beliefs. See!/2012/02/rome-last-in-early-time-filing-cabinet.html
107 - Ignatius of Antioch first uses term "Christian"
175-225 AD or so. Late 2d, Early 3d Centuries; Use of pictorial, sculptural images in the worship service. See Bob Thiel's site, Cogwriter, at There was no record of uses of images before that time, carrying religious statuary, or even wearing a cross, says the site (scroll nearly to the Green Trees and Wreaths discussion of other pagan practices).
Imaging runs counter to the Second Commandment and other scriptural sites against putting the deity into bodily form (it is likely that the sheep will begin to worship the image), and various reform movements have focused on destroying them, but they are very popular, see Incorporating images: Salvation or marketing?
- If it is so that the only way to Salvation is through the Roman Church, and the Roman Church then pivots to groupthink and says all that it says no matter how retroactive or irrational or destructive, it is inspired and necessary, so be it for those who choose to believe.
- See especially page 307 of The Destruction of the Christian Tradition; see also
- Not discussed are those traditions that deserved to be culled, and long earlier as having been instituted for marketing purposes, not related to salvation by words of a founder. Who is to say what is "core" and not to be questioned, when all changes including the church..
Years 200-299... Whassup? All this time and no activity? What happened to the stories?
Years 300-399
300 AD - Prayers for the dead go mainstream, even before Rome becomes Christian; but even for those other religious groups, there is little Biblical justification for the practice, see For whatever Christian group, is the purpose salvation or marketing? Other theologians have rejected it as "human", see site; but it strikes a chord among the bereaved and is wanted, if not theologically sound. Praying for the dead. Salvation or marketing?
300 ......People made the sign of the cross a practice, which Christian community was first? No idea. See
301....... Armenia area adopts Christianity as "state" religion. What did they believe? Were they first in doing prayers for the dead?
325........Ethopia adopts. Ditto.
337........Georgia adopts.
347-420 or so - Jerome. He translated the Bible into Latin. He left out the core of Eve's role, and was otherwise ideologically promotive, see!/2008/10/edens-mystery-job-description-helper.html
352 AD Ordination of women stopped, see; see further developments back and forth on the celibacy front at that site.
375 AD. Angels rise in importance. Hagiolatry, veneration of Dead Saints. This began with martyrdoms, and people going to places with relics. No theological justification. See Incorporating angels. Salvation or marketing?
- Angels had been in Rome's panoply, as well as other pagan religions, see Angels are magical. Is this so, that interest in, fear of, invocation of magic is common to many cultures. The move to incorporate them into the Jesus religion was an easy lateral pirhouette. See history of the winged babies at
And the early and present Christian preoccupation with who is what gender, including the deity, emerged early with angels: see!/2010/01/gender-of-angels-and-what-they-do.html;see also!/2009/05/early-christian-writings-on-abortion.html. Go to the sources, not the commentary free-floating. Vet.
Little abortions went to the angels. Intent to abort was not the issue.
394 AD. A daily Mass. Ritual, acts. This issue: are deeds required or is all salvation by grace. Catholics now say deeds are a part of it, not clear. Authoritarianism: See Anne Hutchinson in the American colonies in the 1600's, arguing against absolute strict adherence to rules, losing sight of the internal experience, deemed heresy of "antinomianism" (believers freed from moral law) at Wy does religion require any daily acts, specific rituals. Is it salvation or marketing and crowd control for the institution?
431 AD. Council of Ephesus, a hotly contested power struggle on doctrine; as to Mary, with Patriarch Nestorius refusing to use "Mother of God" as to Mary, see New World Encyclopedia at Exalting Mary. Nestorius lost. Salvation or marketing?
- Mary. Who and what was she? Mary by other tradition was ordinary, and with an ordinary relationship, with ordinary consequences, see!/2008/02/tiberius-julius-abdes-pantera-father-of.html. Virgin in pagan cultures meant one curently unmarried: old, young, divorced, whatever. And such virgins frequently had offspring, with little fuss. See!/2010/12/parthenon-athena-cultural-diminution.html. Yet, this Mary is elevated to the near-Divine, Mother of Grace, see Divine.
500 AD. Priests adopted clothing different from other people, see
526 AD. Last Rites. Extreme Unction. The site says 526. What exactly happened in 526. We can find no specific reference. Other references we have been able to find. Fast forward to History Guide's 1215, Fourth Lateran Council, for example, far in the future.
- Last rites did not spring from nowhere. The laying on of hands, the ritual to try to heal the sick, anointing the sick, goes back to the disciples and Jesus, see article by Henry Haman at Belief in its efficacy is in itself a blessing, says, article by Rama Coomaraswamy, MD. But was it needed as an extra "Sacrament" or were existing rites sufficient for the purpose? There were changes in form and wording that took an originally understandable, straightforward idea into a dogmatic pretzel. The person would die trying to figure out all that was said. See a global overview of the practices at death, In search of history: Last Rites, at
- The name "extreme unction" was not used until the 12th Century, see That was for good reason. It was never a "sacrament" until then, never "required." Doctrine was laid out by edict in 1561, see 14th Session, Council of Trent, in response to the reformers active at the time, see See the 14th Session, Council of Trent at, [and the 1558 declaration of marriage as a sacrament].
600 AD. People begin praying to Mary. See
786 AD - People start to worship the cross, relics of saints, and objects. The cross as a symbol was far more than an instrument of capital punishment. It had deep roots as a sexual matter in antiquity, don't go here if that offends you, In Scandinavia, the cross was already a symbol of Odin, who hung on the Tree of Life for nine days. Converts found it easy to absorb that one.
See also trees and wreaths,
The cross was never biblically authorized as a symbol, see site. Even the word in the New Testament means "stake" and not cross. See also parallels at this otherwise too-zealous site, Many date we see as Christian have pagan origins.
St. Boniface reports that, in Germany, almost no bishops or priests were celibate
782 AD. Charlemagne, King of the Franks, had invaded Saxon lands and, after 30 years' warfare, captured and slaughtered 4,000 Saxon prisoners at Sachsenhain, see!/2010/12/enger-widukind-saxon-bane-of.html
836 AD. "Council of Aix-la-Chapelle admittted that abortions and infanticides took place in convents and monasteries to cover up the activities of uncelibate clerics." See more on the evolution of celibacy at that site.
993 AD - Dead saints are canonized. The dead had been venerated, but in 993, the Pope said no saint could become such without his doing. The first was Ulrich of Augsburg. See
Ulrich preached that the only way to address the ills of celibacy was to let priests marry. See
1045 AD - Pope Benedict resigns rather than have to be celibate, see
1054 The Great Schism. This defined the now separated Church, to everyone's detriment?
In 1054 AD, the Roman Church split off from the Orthodox Christians to the East, see Orthodox view, conciliatory, at Rome thus needed its own identity, converts, dogma, money, turf. In came the Crusades and rituals that lightened people's pocketbooks, and nurtured the Reformation, is that so? Watch the issues come like waves -- to be addressed in an authoritarian and usually ineffective way, except for torture.
The First Crusade, however, appears to have been more a matter of turf, and the European Christians coming to the aid of the Orthodox; but then refusing to relinquish properties taken. See, for example, The First Crusade by Thomas Ashbridge,
1079 AD Celibacy. Now priests (already all male) have to be celibate. This was a gradual and pathetic, fear-filled area, flawed-Paul-propelled, nobody else caring, see the progression
1090 - Rosary instituted. But this site says it was 1214, see This one puts the practice back by centuries. See
1095 AD- Pope had priests' wives sold as slaves. Children left on their own. See Will have to go back for each of these bits to check. Consider this a topic filing cabinet.
1096 AD - First Crusade, see; and eight more through 1272. People kept outraged and fearful are easy to drive.
1123 AD First Lateran Council, Pope Callistus II decrees all clergy marriages invalid
1136 - Hildegarde of Bingen, example of female theologian-administrator, becomes prioress of an independent monastery at St. Rupert's, free of supervision by St. Disibod, successfully challenges the bishop and his interdict, see overview of powerful medieval women by Reu, Sung Hyun 2009, a fine student's paper, at
1140 - Example of monastic growth. And use of Extreme Unction. In Denmark, there is a Cistercian Monastery at Esrum, at Hillerod, on Zealand, that fell into disuse with the Reformation, dismantled in 1159 (monks had been sent elsewhere) and is now being refurbished for history and tourism. See Encyclopedia Britannica on Cistercians.
See!/2011/06/esrum-abbey-esrom-kloster-cistercian.html. It began as Benedictine in 1140, became Cistercian in 1151. A longer article on the course of the Scandinavian Cistercians and others is at Cistercians in Denmark 1982,
- Monastic Orders and Extreme Unction. The information given at Esrum, at the monastery, states that the Church, once it could require Extreme Unction, did so religiously. And, as the priest was the only person present who could administer the rite, and the priest the only one probably who could read or write, magically farms and goods were deeded / bequeathed to the Church.
- Extreme unction: This compelled or strong-armed giving to Rome also undergirded the Reformation's complaints, and not for theological reasons necessarily. Some just preferred their own property, and not having to buy off their souls. See also indulgences (scroll down) ; and Extreme Unction: Salvation, or marketing?
1147 - Northern Crusades. Pope (which?) authorizes Northern Crusades, against other Christians (Orthodox) and pagans in Baltic States, Europe's north, see
Prussia (see Teutonic Knights, , Lithuania, Estonia, Livonia, Novgorod, the Wends, see Wends
1184 - Inquisition of Heretics, Council of Verona
1187 - Third Crusade, see
1190 AD - Indulgences sold, abused. A new idea, not part of early Christianity, see
1202 - Fourth Crusade, see
1208 -1248 or so - Albigensian Crusade, against Cathars and other gnostic dualists in Languedoc, Southern France, see; and Interrogation Age, review of book, God's Jury, The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World, by Cullen Murphy, review by Samuel Freedman at
1215 - Doctrines of
- Transubstantiation, Innocent III. Host becomes the body of Christ. See development of idea at
- Also auricular confession: confess into the ear of the priest, and this has vocal opponents, in the practice fostering bad behavior, see one at
- Move to 1220, adoration of the host, with its opposition (elements of sun, pagan, idol worship issue again) at,
1228 - Sixth Crusade, see
1231 - Medieval Inquisition, Pope Gregory IX against heretics. Inquisitions were not always welcomed; even Popes had limited powers if the locals disagreed: local Princes, Kings, civil authority. Next Inquisition is in 1478.
1248 - Seventh Crusade, see; and end of Albigensian Crusades
1270 - Eighth Crusade, see
1271 - Ninth Crusade, see
1272 - Crusades finally end.
14th-18th Centuries: Witch burnings in many countries, many through civil courts enforcing religious cultural traditions, anti-"pagan" groups as well, many through church inquisition, some 50-100,000 in researched calculations at; most in time frame 1550-1650; millions more stated in other books, sources, see video (with anticipated overtones) at The Burning Times,; and longer film at Then more on falsehoods claimed, see; and back, at
14th Century - women still being ordained, hearing confessions;
1414 - People can no longer drink the wine, see Council of Constance Also covered: infallibility - obey or else. Portion from the Encyclical on obeying all past and future mandates --
"Next, it declares that anyone of whatever condition, state or dignity, even papal, who contumaciously refuses to obey the past or future mandates, statutes, ordinances or precepts of this sacred council or of any other legitimately assembled general council, regarding the aforesaid things or matters pertaining to them, shall be subjected to well-deserved penance, unless he repents, and shall be duly punished, even by having recourse, if necessary, to other supports of the law.".
1439 - Purgatory becomes dogma. See discussion at
The doctrine of the Seven Sacraments confirmed
- Take time to go back to the extent of medievel concentration on issues of dogma, an area that if it is not in a sound bite, we may pass over (such as this endless tome), see the sacraments addresed, among other issues by The Lombard at . Can it be said that the Church does not change? Not so far, see That site includes more events for this chronology, may go back and add to it.
- Then again, solochristo site is not exactly neutral -- see So keep the bias in mind. I am more interested in a chronology than people's persuasion efforts.
The Spanish Inquisition finally ends 250 years later or so, in 1834, see
1486 - Malleus Maleficarum, Hammer of Witches, is published as handbook for the Inquisition in Germany, See the index at
1517 - Martin Luther nails his Theses, see
1534 - Henry VIII of England rejected Catholicism, instituted Church of England with himself as the head; proceeded to execute the opposition as heretics and traitors. Plus ca change?
1542 - Roman Inquisition and The Holy Office (more on theology), Paul III, see
1545 - celibacy and virginity are superior to marriage
1545 -- Authority, Biblical is declared equal with Tradition. Council of Trent – 1545 AD
See -- This is getting far too long vetting each one. Please read about denial of doctrines of the Reformation, from Sola Scriptura to "salvation by grace through faith alone". See details on what is cast out, cursed, practices of the reformers. Curse, curse. Of curse. The prohibitions include that scriptures are only for the priests.
- Please vet the shepherd and visit Greek at; and Hebrew at; parallel translations, Hebrew Old Testament at; and Greek at; and Strong's Lexicon at places like
1548 -- More books added to the Bible, Apocryphal
1553-1558 - Mary, Queen of Scots, daughter of Henry VIII of England, becomes Queen of England and reinstitutes Catholicism in England, and burned Protestants at the stake
1558-1603 - Elizabeth I, also daughter of Henry VIII, re-reinstitutes Protestantism in England, executes the opposition including sister Mary,
1585-1590 - Pope Sixtus V bans abortion. This late?? We should not be surprised because Sixtus was an authoritarian Inquisitor who would be looking for more things to inquisit. See
Abortion had been fine (leave the lady alone with it, not "fine") for 1500 years, for 40 days after conception for a male (how to know?) and for 80 days for a female. Pope Sixtus changed that and banned all abortions. See overview of Catholic positions in history at
However, Sixtus the Inquisitor was reversed when he died, by Gregory XIV who declared abortion only illegal if the foetus, either gender, had quickened, at about (say) 16 weeksot See
1553-1558 - Mary, Queen of Scots, daughter of Henry VIII of England, becomes Queen of England and reinstitutes Catholicism in England, and burned Protestants at the stake
1558-1603 - Elizabeth I, also daughter of Henry VIII, re-reinstitutes Protestantism in England, executes the opposition including sister Mary,
1585-1590 - Pope Sixtus V bans abortion. This late?? We should not be surprised because Sixtus was an authoritarian Inquisitor who would be looking for more things to inquisit. See
Abortion had been fine (leave the lady alone with it, not "fine") for 1500 years, for 40 days after conception for a male (how to know?) and for 80 days for a female. Pope Sixtus changed that and banned all abortions. See overview of Catholic positions in history at
However, Sixtus the Inquisitor was reversed when he died, by Gregory XIV who declared abortion only illegal if the foetus, either gender, had quickened, at about (say) 16 weeksot See
1588 - Congregation of the Holy Roman and Universal Inquisition, see;
1600 -- Inquisition Trial of Giordano Bruno,; see
1603 - Mary's son, James, becomes King of England, Protestant, but moves Church of England closer to Catholicism, sought a version of the Bible fostering obedience to authority, the King James, see Puritans furious. See site, subsequent events in the Protestant world, including the colonies US.
1633 - Galileo Trial, see
17th Century - Inquisition, Galileo and Newton
1854 - Immaculate Conception. This late??? [more partisan perhaps than other sites, but read for the chronology]
1864 - Pius X declares all scientific discoveries not approved by the Roman Church. What??
1870 - Infallibility of the Pope, in moral matters, and faith, First Vatican Council. Once that is said, how to undo it? Maybe the sheep just have to wander off.
1869 - Abortion position of Gregory XIV was changed by Pius IX, to revert to the Sixtus V. See FN 1 at Golden Mean, Finding Agreement. There are provisions that can meet a variety of positions, a "Dragon" clause. see!/2009/12/golden-mean-fleece-dragon-and-law-of.html
1908 - The Inquisition becomes the Holy Office
1930 - Pope Pius XI cites "Thou shalt not kill" as reason for an abortion ban. But he had not vetted the Biblical concept of kill, which does not put abortion as a culpable killing. Or reconcile his view with Clement I, that only God is authorized to punish an intentional abortive act, see!/2009/05/clement-i-and-apocalypse-of-peter.html
1950 - Assumption of Mary. Bodily ascension. Modeled after all these years on the Assumption of Semiramis,
1965 - Vatican Council II. Is this when Paul VI reorganizes the Holy Office (formerly "Inquisition") and renames it euphemisticallly, Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, see
Vatican II made no new doctrines, changed or repudiated no old ones. Trent and Vatican I stand. Including the Anathemas. Catholic tradition on equal par with Scripture; Mary as the Queen of Heaven, now a co-Redemptrix with Christ;confesisons, pilgrimages,, purgatory; prayers to and for dead, etc.
Filing cabinet:
Rome's Empire kept going. It moved from military to knocking at the mind's door throughout has been issues of Inquisition, Crusades even against other Christians, one group's certainty forced on others. See Cullen Murphy, NYT Opinion: The Certainty of Doubt
Chronology of This Empire;
Rome was Military in focus in ancient times, then the Religious Empire mushroomed after the military demise, with much organization talent now back home again, and looking for application. What to do with vets, and all the military after wars end?
- Ask, from the context: Are the developments in the religious empire that arose from the tradition of the military, for Salvation, or Marketing? Useful overview of the growth of Christianity -- at Everyman's Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Orient there. See Find also its related topics such as evolution of creeds.
- Women were active in religious military orders, as well as autonomous in their own religious right, in the 12-13th Centuries, see!/2009/12/bologna-loderigo-dandalo-and-order-of.html
Continue to refer for outline of side topics, such as chronology of beliefs, to Wikipedia: This is one arrea that seems to be the only non-sectarian reasonably comprehensive site I find.
Instead of a small essay on the topic, the research formed itself into a timeline of the evolution of the church, seeing how issues of today have been with us for millennia; and merely declaring them "core" and "decided" is not deciding anything today, any more than it did before. Was there ever a balance between the Church's "comfort of certainty against the corrective of doubt," see Opinion piece above. That has been touted, but not done. Doubt has always been targeted, forcibly eliminated from dogma's agenda-march, is that so?
The topic of a nation's religious heritage is appropriate to a travel site because of the pervasiveness of religious-secular issues in the culture. Even Italy intends to subject the religious instutition to secular laws: a tax on religious institution properties that engage in commercial enterprise. See
- The idea of secularity taking over religion in many areas has gone mainstream. New York Times piece, Go East Young Knight, by Frank Frankopan, also finds that "territory, not faith, set off the First Crusade." See "Go East, Young Knight," NYT Peter Fankopan 2/19.2102 And the other crusades as well? Turf and forced sales, not salvation? Earliest missionaries may have been salvation dedicated; did that carry through to the institution.
Explore belief systems, and how they evolved, see also the protestant-evangelical offshoots, at!/2012/02/vetting-religion-if-candidate-believes.html. In the United States, with religious positions of candidates affecting political positions, I have moved discussion of the issues, apart from the chronology here, to another site. This remains a travel focus. See FodderSight: Rome, Last in Early Time, Filing Cabinet.
Accordingly, questions addressed about religious-secular divides are in the Filing Cabinet now at FodderSight, Political and Cultural Commentary.
Was there a point where the idea of "salvation" and the religion for the sake of the believers, evolved into marketing for an institution, one that could and did benefit from an earlier military empire of the same name. The events and chronology suggested that was so. Visit Italy. See all the iconography, ruins. And find yourself thinking.